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    • » Tools and Miscelaneous
  1. SmartApps: An Application-Centric Approach to High Performance Computing
    by Lawrence Rauchwerger, Nancy Amato, and Josep Torrellas,
    Thirteen International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), August 2000.

  2. Scal-Tool: Pinpointing and Quantifying Scalability Bottlenecks in DSM Multiprocessors
    by Yan Solihin, Vinh Lam, and Josep Torrellas,
    SC 99, November 1999.

  3. A Direct-Execution Framework for Fast and Accurate Simulation of Superscalar Processors
    by Venkata Krishnan and Josep Torrellas,
    International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), October 1998.

  4. The Augmint Multiprocessor Simulation Toolkit for Intel x86 Architectures,
    by Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Maged Michael, Arun Sharma, and Josep Torrellas,
    1996 International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), October 1996.

  5. Low Perturbation Address Trace Collection with Simple Hardware Performance Monitors,
    by Russell Daigle, Chun Xia, and Josep Torrellas,
    Submitted for publication to a Journal, 1995.

  6. Scalable Shared-Memory Architectures: Introduction to MiniTrack,
    by Josep Torrellas,
    28th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 1995.

  7. Computer Architecture Education at the University of Illinois
    by Josep Torrellas,
    IEEE Computer Architecture Technical Committee Newsletter, February 1999.

  8. Computer Architecture Education at the University of Illinois: Current Status and Some Thoughts,
    by Josep Torrellas,
    IEEE Computer Architecture Technical Committee Newsletter, June 1996.