
Near-threshold voltage (NTV) computing facilitates energy-efficient execution by reducing the supply voltage to remain only slightly higher than the threshold voltage. A key barrier of NTV operation is the higher susceptibility to parametric variation when compared to conventional, super-threshold voltage computing.

VARIUS-NTV represents an architectural model of parametric variation tailored for NTV, to quantitatively characterize exacerbated variation in present and future NTV designs.

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U. R. Karpuzcu, K. B. Kolluru, N. S. Kim, and J. Torrellas, “VARIUS-NTV: A Microarchitectural Model to Capture the Increased Sensitivity of Manycores to Process Variations at Near-Threshold Voltages,” in International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, June 2012. [BibTeX]


04/09/MMXIII: A calibration problem fixed and new examples added.

Last updated April, MMXIII by Ulya Karpuzcu.


An Architectural Model of Parametric Variation for Near Threshold Voltage Computing